Shopping in Hassan

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The city of Hassan located 194 kilometers from Bangalore is a serene town that can be accessed easily from the cities of Bangalore, Mysore, and Mangalore by road as well as rail. Apart from the various tourist attractions offered by Hassan, the place has also has a lot of shops that put up for sale a wide range of articles that pertains to the interests of the tourists. Hence, Shopping in Hassan is one of the important aspects of touring Hassan.

While Shopping in Hassan, the most common shops that you would come across are the ones that sell various items that are unique to this part of the world. Some of these items have defied the barriers of time and change in the preference patterns of people all over the world. These items include the following:

  • Pure Silk
  • Sandalwood
  • Ivory

The sarees and clothing materials made from pure silk have adorned women of all ages for centuries. The silk is created in the natural way by rearing silkworms in mulberry trees. This industry over the years, has flourished in leaps and bounds. A substantial portion of the annual production of silk is exported which yields valuable foreign to the economy thus helping it to grow even further.

The sandalwood available from the forests of Karnataka are popular not only in India but throughout the world due to its quality and fragrance. A variety of articles made from this rare wood are available in the Markets in Hassan.

Articles of ivory have always been the signs of pomp and sophistication among the socially affluent households. The Jungles of Karnataka being heavily infested by tuskers, in a place rich in ivory reserves. The collection of items that you will come across while shopping in Hassan is generally decorative.

Thus Shopping in Hassan, India, would certainly enrich your tastes and preferences and enable you to understand and appreciate the quality of craftsmanship and labor that has gone into the production of such articles.

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