Ram Nagar Fort and Museum Varanasi

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The ancient city of Benaras or Varanasi is one of the most important Hindu pilgrim points in India. People from all walks of life visit this populated city either to see the many ancient temples that throng the Ghats or to perform the last rites of their deceased relatives on the Ghats. Significantly enough each of the Ghats here has a story to tell. For instance Dasaswamedh Ghat is where Lord Brahma is supposed to have sacrificed 10 horses in a yajna. If you are visiting Varanasi a boat ride through the many Ghats shows you the true essence of the city. Narrow lanes, crowded streets, people performing yagnas in the Ghats while taking a dip in the holy river, road side shops selling knick knacks are some of the things that meets your eyes. Take a leisurely walk through the many Museums in Varanasi which showcases some of the priceless objects of art, craft and architecture. Ram Nagar Fort and Museum located a few kilometers away from the city is worth visiting.

History of Ram Nagar Fort and Museum, Varanasi

This place was the home to the Maharaja of Benaras.It was constructed in 18th century by the then Maharaja Balwant Singh. Popular legends tell that the ground of this fort palace is dedicated to Ved Vyasa, as he was believed to stay here for a short period of time.

Description of Ram Nagar Fort and Museum, Varanasi

This erstwhile fort is located 14 kilometers from the main hub of the city on the opposite bank of River Ganges. Ram Nagar Fort and Museum has a huge collection of royal artifacts and work of art carried forward from generation to generation. Some of the objects here are very rare and priceless. Check out the vintage cars, royal palkis, exquisite ivory works, and a wide array of old guns. You can also come to this fort palace in a ferry. It is one of the most well maintained Fort in India. Interestingly the Royal scion of Kashi still resides in the Palace.

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