Museums in Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh
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Located in the centre of the country, Madhya Pradesh is one of the largest states by area bordering Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The state is both historically and archaeologically rich. The Museums in Madhya Pradesh constitute the major portion of tourist attractions as they exhibit the royal lifestyle of past rulers and some of the historic objects of the state.

These museums actually bring back the golden era of the Maurayas, Gupta, Mughals, Marathas and Britishers. Some of the renowned museums in Madhya Pradesh include the Central museum in Bhopal which stores some of the paintings, ceramic objects, ivory toys and wood carvings. The State Museum in Bhopal exhibits temple sculptures and 87 Jain Bronzes.

In Indore the Central museum shows the entire history of the state from pre-historic to modern era. Dedicated to Queen Durgawati, Rani Durgawati Museum in Jabalpur has fine collection of sculptures, inscriptions and historical objects. Moreover those who are interested in archaeology must visit the State Archaeological Museum in Gwalior which represent the collections of stone pillars, seals, metal images and Hindu and Jain Sculptures.

These Museums are well-maintained and taken care as they narrate the stories of bravery and loyalty of kings and queens Therefore, the state is home to various museums which make it a paradise for history buffs.

Madhya Pradesh