Tabo to Sumdo

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Blessed with the most quaint sights, the highway from Tabo to Sumdo is 27 kilometers long. However, one can go to several other intervening places full of the most astonishing draws, such as this place, located 8 kilometers up a valley by a turn from Sumdo. Here, one can find the remains of a Buddhist monk who died over 500 years ago. His remains, which include hair and fingernails, are a sight worth visiting. The stretch nevertheless has one of India’s most scenic mountain roads. You can explore the famous attractions from Tabo to Sumdo with our Himachal tour packages. Contact us for more information and book customizable tour packages with us!

Important Attractions nearby Tabo to Sumdo


Several caves located on the hillside above the main road belonged to the monastery complex. These caves can be accessed by the steps located opposite the Vijay Kumar Shop.

Byams-Pa Chen-po Lha-Khang

The temple is situated next to the Tsuglkand and houses a three-meter high statue of the Bodhisattva Maitreya, who is called the future Buddha.

Kyil Khang 

The Kyil Khang is located on the right side of the Ser Khang and is adorned with a vast Vairochana mural surrounded by eight bodhisattvas. It is a great place to visit and explore.


Located straight ahead of the Tabo Gompa entrance, the Tsuglkang is an astonishing antechamber that houses 32 life-sized statues of bodhisattvas. These idols are lined around a statue of Virochana Buddha, who is shown turning the wheel of law. Besides, the inner chamber has a stucco of Amitabha Buddha with two smaller bodhisattvas.


The second temple located towards the left of the Tsuglkang house breathtaking murals of the goddess Usnishavijaya and the green Tara. This is again a wonderful temple to admire.

Tabo Gompa

Founded by Rinchen Zangpo, the Great Translator, in AD 996, the Tabo Gompa is believed to be the oldest and the continuously functioning Buddhist monastery in India. There are nine shrines, five of which date back to the 10th and 11th centuries. While others belong mostly from the 15th and 17th centuries.

The main highlight is the main hall called Tsuglkang, which has a total of 32 bodhisattvas lining the wall around the four bodied Vairochana Buddha, turning the wheel of law. Beautiful paintings, exquisite murals, and statues draw a sense of wonder amongst the visitors. It is a must-visit Gompa while visiting the place.

Nako Gompa

Situated on the western edge of Nako, these 11th-century chapels of Nako Gompa have some wonderful sculptures and murals fashioned in style similar to those of Tabo Gompa as festival dance marks.

Nako Lake

Nako Village is located around this little holy lake which looks amazing when seen against the backdrop of massive rock-strewn mountains punctuated by stupas. The lake is an elegant sight to behold.

Lhalung Monastery

This incredible medieval monastery is located in this amazing offbeat destination of Lhalung. The central chapel has great old murals and a wonderfully ornate carved wooden back frieze.

Dhankar Fort

A ruined structure located on the hilltop above the old Gompa, the Dhankar fort is a great fort to admire and appreciate. The Dhankar Fort was once a very important structure used to shelter the entire population of the valley during the war. For this reason, the fort’s name has “Khar” in it, which means citadel.

Dhankar Tso

Located at an hour’s walk from Dhankar’s village is Dhankar Tso, an elegant lake that offers stunning views of the valley and the twin peaks of Manirang, located at the height of 6,593 meters above sea level.

Dhankar Gompa

This incredible 1,200 structure sits atop the edge of a cliff. The monastery is listed in the world’s top 100 most endangered monuments. Dhankar Gompa has several rooms, including a meditation room and a room where the Dalai Lama sleeps.

The monastery has a prayer hall located on a hilltop and reached by a set of concrete steps. The views from atop of these buildings are simply breathtaking and are great attractions to enjoy.

New Monastery

This new monastery was established to move the monks from the old gompa. The monastery, named New Monastery, is located 800 meters away. The monastery is a great sight and a wonderful place to visit.

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