Fairs and Festivals in Himachal Pradesh

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Planning to travel to Himachal Pradesh in India? If so, why don’t you time your travel in a way that helps you be a part of the colorful fairs and festivals of Himachal Pradesh. Numerous events fill up the fairs and festivals calendar of Himachal Pradesh. However, it is only when you sit down to have a proper look at the list that you realize that there is so much to Himachal Pradesh as far as fairs and festivals are concerned. Right from religious festivals to merry affairs, Himachal Pradesh throws up a lot of variety for its visitors. Besides, the gaiety that is seen everywhere during the celebration of a festival in Himachal Pradesh is sure to delight many. Clearly reflecting the culture and traditions of Himachal Pradesh. Some of the popular fairs and festivals of Himachal Pradesh are Minjar Festival, Losar Festival, Kullu Dussehra, Phulaich Festival, Doongri Festival, and Renuka Fair.

You can get glimpses of the region’s culture and traditions by attending these festivals. The folk music, dance performances, local cuisines, and street plays enhance the charm of these places. Ice Skating Festival in Shimla is another major festival in Himachal Pradesh, which is perfect for adventure enthusiasts. With our well-curated Himachal Pradesh tour packages, you can partake in these fairs and festivals. You can explore the popular attractions of the state while attending the celebrations. Contact our travel experts for more information and book a tour with us!

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