Silent Valley National Park

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The area of the National Park is 237 sq km, and is located at the North Eastern area of the Kerala district. In the Silent Valley you would notice a wide range of peninsular mammals, 100 different species of butterflies, and also multiple varieties of rare birds. Often during the winters, Migratory birds come here. They are the most unique specimens and attract our attention.

Since the River Kunthi descends from the Nilgiri Hills and flows through this region, one can barely ignore its presence. The river rises from a height of about 2,000 meters above the sea level. The animals that are found in the Silent Valley National Park are Great Indian Hornbill, Lion Tailed Macaque, Nilgiri Laughing Trush, Ceylon Frog Moth etc.

The Water of the River Kunthi is crystal clear and is devoid of any brownish tinge. Silent Valley National Park also abounds in 400 species of moths, and the fauna here includes the trees like Cicadas which is an exquisite and a rare variety of plant.

The transpiration from the forest and the slow and cool breeze from the Kunthi River make the climate an ideal one for the animals and birds residing there. It reminds us of the Lotos Eaters of Tennyson’s poem. “A land of streams! Some, like a downward smoke, / Slow-dropping veils of thinnest lawn, did go” With numerous animals and plants the Silent Valley National Park reverberates the tune of India.