Janmashtami Festival

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The state of Uttar Pradesh is truly reflective of secular spirit. People belonging to different religions stay in unison and harmony and consequently the festivals associated with all these religions are celebrated with a lot of fervor and enthusiasm. The Janmashtami Festival is celebrated throughout the state but in Mathura and Brindavan, the festivities are accompanied by greater ceremonial elegance and splendor.

Janmashtami Festival is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Krishna. Mathura and Brindavan rings with the memories of Lord Krishna. He was born in Mathura. In Brindavan, located at a distance of about 15 km from Mathura, he loitered about in his youth in the company of his gopis. So there is an unbelievable amount of fun and excitement in both these places centering this festival.

Description of the Janmashtami Festival in Mathura and Brindavan in Uttar Pradesh

There is a temple on the exact spot where Krishna was born. On the occasion of Janmashtami, a large number of pilgrims from all over the country come to visit this Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple. They listen to the preaching by the priests of the temple.

In the main hall of the temple, a ceremony takes place. The idol of Lord Krishna is bathed by the priests and mantras are chanted. After the completion of this ceremony people break their day long fast. At midnight, the hour when Shri Krishna was born, the deity is taken out of the temple and people jostle each other to get a view of the idol. The air reverberates with the sound of conch shells and shouts in praise of the Lord.

There is great merriment on this occasion. The ambience in Mathura and Brindavan is very cheerful. Small shops spring up all over the towns selling sweets and snacks and other small items associated with Lord Krishna. They include books, cassettes and pictures.

Time for celebrating the Janmashtami Festival in Mathura and Brindavan in Uttar Pradesh 

The festival is celebrated according to the Hindu calendar. It falls on the eighth day of the fifteen days of no-moon in the month of Shravana. That roughly corresponds to the month of August or September in the English Calendar. You are sure to have a very enjoyable time if you visit Mathura and Brindavan when this festival is celebrated and be a part of the unrestrained merry making.

About Uttar Pradesh