Velankanni Church

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The Velankanni Church is one of the most important churches at Nagappattinam. This church has been dedicated to Mother Goddess Mary. She is the presiding deity of the Velankanni Church and is believed to have therapeutic powers. So, millions of people flock to the door of the Church every day so that their near and dear ones would be cured and they can lead a happy and normal life. Herein is the significance of the Velankanni Church, Nagappattinam.

The Mother Goddess Mary was the virgin mother of Jesus Christ. She is revered all over the world as an emblem of purity and mercy. People pay homage to the Mother and also admit their guilt in the form of confession in front of the virgin Mother Mary. She also relieves them from the cardinal sins.

The only task that a person is supposed to do is to light a candle in front of the virgin Mother who shows them light henceforth. Velankanni Church is known as the Mecca of the Christians. The colossal Velankanni Church, Nagappattinam stands to the pride of the teeming millions and display rare dignity.

The sky-reaching towers embellish the Church and can be seen from great distances. In order the blessings of the Mother Mary the people pray with their eyes closed before the Mother Goddess and worship her with ardor and devotion. It is as if the glowing flames of the candles burn with the same intensity that fills the hearts of the devotees and cleanse them of all impurity.

The Velankanni Church is also known as the Sacred Arogya Matha Church. The Velankanni Church, Nagappattinam has received this name due of its magical healing powers. There is a significant tradition of the Velankanni Church.

When a diseased person’s body part is cured they offer that body part in the form of Gold or Silver to the Divine Mother. The Velankanni Church in Nagappattinam boasts its Museum which displays some of the rare and beautiful human body parts in Gold and Silver that have been offered by the followers.

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