Temples in Nagappattinam

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There are numerous Temples in Nagappattinam. They are celebrated for their unique and advanced architectural style and it is an amazing feature that the temples are built in the Dravidian style of architecture.

Legend behind the Temples in Nagappattinam:

The place is renowned for the Mythological tale that is related to it. According to the story, the king of this region had a daughter. She was a paragon of beauty. However, one single deformity made her life a living hell.

The reason was that she had three breasts instead of two. The king and his followers were extremely disappointed and were always in search for a proper solution.

Then they all started to pray to God and at the end God listened to their petition and granted them their prayers. He foretold that only when the girl meets her future husband then the third breast would fall off.

After she reached the age of marriage, her parents went from country to country in search of the hero. They came near the tank known as the Sarapuhkarani.

There the king and his followers discovered the prince and as soon as the princess saw him, the third breast disappeared. The king’s daughter joined the man in his prayer and was also blessed with the riches and happiness all through her life.

Thus the immaculate beauty got what she deserved. She got a husband and also the bliss of impeccable beauty.

There are many temples at Nagappattinam but the most important temple is the Sirkazhi Sattanazhar Temple. This temple is important because of its unique Dravidian architectural style.

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