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How to Reach

Mashobra is a charming hill station near Shimla that is easily accessible by various modes. It is well-connected by air, train, and road with other towns of India. Hence, reaching Mashobra is convenient and has travel options that ensure a comfortable journey. The nearest spot for the railhead and airport is Shimla.

The distance from Shimla to Mashobra is around 12 km, and you can cover it in 30 minutes by taxi or cab. Check out this Mashobra travel Guide to know what is the best way to get there from various parts of the country.  You can also contact us to plan your holiday for Mashobra with freedom of choosing your way to reach there.

By Air

The nearest airport to Mashobra is Shimla Airport (Jubbarhatti), about 32 kilometers away. This airport has regular flights from major Indian cities such as Delhi, Bangalore, Jaipur, etc. After landing at this airport, you can hire a taxi, cab, or bus to reach Mashobra, which will take around 40 minutes.

By Train

The nearest railway station to Mashobra is Shimla Railway Station, about 12 kilometers away. It is well-connected by the narrow-gauge Kalka-Shimla railway line, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This railway station is around 90 km from Mashobra. Both railway stations offer plenty of transport options to reach Mashobra. There are frequently so many buses that ply from there to Mashobra.

By Road

Mashobra is well-connected by road, with regular bus services from major cities like Delhi, Chandigarh, and Shimla. The Delhi to Mashobra Distance is about 352 kilometers, and it takes around 8-9 hours by road. You can also drive to Mashobra or hire a taxi for a more comfortable journey. The scenic roads offer beautiful views of the mountains. NH 44 and NH 5 are two major highways of this nation that connects it with various cities of India.


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Q: How long does it take to reach Mashobra from Shimla Airport?

Ans. It takes approximately 1-1.5 hours to reach Mashobra by taxi from Shimla Airport. The distance is about 35 kilometers, and the scenic drive through the hills is pleasant and exciting, making for a memorable journey.

Q: Are there direct flights to Shimla Airport?

Ans. Yes, direct flights to Shimla Airport from major cities like Delhi exist. However, the frequency of flights may vary, so it's advisable to check the latest flight schedules and availability before planning your trip.

Q: What is the best way to reach Mashobra from Kalka Railway Station?

Ans. The best way to reach Mashobra from Kalka Railway Station is to take the narrow-gauge Kalka-Shimla train to Shimla. From there, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to Mashobra, about 12 kilometers away.

Q: Are there regular bus services to Mashobra?

Ans. Yes, there are regular bus services to Mashobra from major cities like Delhi, Chandigarh, and Shimla. Government and private buses operate on these routes, providing travelers with a convenient and affordable option.