Hotel Suvarna Regency
Suvarna Arcade, BM road Hasan Railway Station And Bus stand- 0.5 km , Hassan, Karnataka -
Hotel Location:
Rooms: 0
Check-in time: From / Check-out time: Until
- Suvarna Arcade, BM road Hasan Railway Station And Bus stand- 0.5 km , Hassan
Hotel Suvarna Regency is an ideal place for spending vacations. Hotel Suvarna Regency in Hassan offer unequaled gracious reception and great service to the tourists visiting Hassan. Hotel Suvarna Regency in Hassan features among the luxurious hotels in Hassan commanding quick and convenient access to all the tourist spots and other commercial and business districts. The hotel features spacious rooms, Multi cuisine restaurant, Business Center, and other various necessary services which will complement your vacation as well as business trip successfully.
Enjoy the mysterious beauty of Hassan by planning vacations there. Hassan features some great tourist
Enjoy the mysterious beauty of Hassan by planning vacations there. Hassan features some great tourist
spots and exotic locales. Make your Hassan tourism more enjoyable by staying at Hotel Suvarna Regency in Hassan. You may choose specific rooms in accordance with your budget and requirements.
Centralized location of Hotel Suvarna Regency, Hassan makes it immensely popular among tourists. It is located quite close to Belur, Halebidu and Sravanbelagola.
Hotel Features
Useful Info
Standard and Double Rooms
Business Facilities Hotel Suvarna Regency,Hassan
Hassan is ideal for business travelers, as it offers adequate business services. The hotel boasts modern infrastructure like central air-conditioning, modern lighting, Internet & Fax and more. The Business Center is ready with Internet access, copying and faxing services.
Hassan is ideal for business travelers, as it offers adequate business services. The hotel boasts modern infrastructure like central air-conditioning, modern lighting, Internet & Fax and more. The Business Center is ready with Internet access, copying and faxing services.
Hotel Suvarna Regency, Hassan also conducts exciting sight seeing as well as shopping trips. Other major highlights of Hotel Suvarna Regency are STD/ISD lines, fax, courier services, and laundry facilities etc. Suvarna Regency Hotel,