Kayaking in South Goa

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Isn’t it fantastic to float on the turquoise waters of the Arabian Sea, lagoons, and backwaters of South Goa? If that sounds like what you need to unleash the adventurer in you, book kayaking in South Goa excursion to experience unexplored nature’s treasures that can’t be seen from the land journey. Navigate your kayak on various occasions, whether it’s your anniversary, bachelorette’s party, girl’s weekend, or catching up with your family or corporate friends.

Imagine yourself winding through the mangrove forests. Envy yourself paddling calmly while watching the sunrise and sunset. If that sounds like a craving on the Goa trip, try your hands in Kayaking in South Goa to satiate your penchant for nature’s exploration. This adventure sports bill itself as one of the famous water activities in Goa. Kayaking along the coasts, river, and backwaters of South Goa is a lifetime experience to cherish other than the other watersports of South Goa.

The history of kayaking has been around for centuries. In the initial phase of its inception, kayaks were used to navigate waterways by the Inuits in the Arctic regions. Kayaking in bygone era times was touted as one of the pragmatic ways to hunt, fishing, and most importantly, it was amongst the best transportation for the passengers to cross the waters. However, with time passing by and technology taking over the world, kayaking is a profound water activity in Goa or entire India.

This adventure water sport gets better with every paddle. The feeling of Kayaking through the backwaters of the Sal River and Zuari River in South Goa will feel intimate and memorable as you pass through the narrow waterways deep in the mangroves. The feeling of paddling through the dense mangrove vegetation is all about gathering an unmatched thrill. South Goa is the epitome of tranquility, and a kayaking excursion will take you to the banks where you can interact with the locals and understand their way of living. Get enamored with the chirping of the migratory birds around the beach, river, and dense mangrove vegetation.

Apart from the bird-watching fun, Kayaking in South Goa conjures up images of rowing on the pristine waters and passing through exotic plants like cashew and bamboo, a photographer’s delight. People within the age group from 12-50 years can indulge in kayaking in South Goa beaches, rivers, and backwaters. The commencement of this unique water activity starts with a briefing by the instructor, followed by life-saving equipment.

There are organizers for kayaking in South Goa who conduct training programs for the newbies. So if you are not a novice kayaking person, fret not because you will be instructed step by step regarding how to enjoy kayaking in South Goa.

Scroll on to read everything about Kayaking trips in South Goa’s rivers, coasts, and tranquil backwaters

What is Kayaking?

Kayaking bills itself as a fun or recreational activity which involves gliding through the waters. A small water vessel is required, which is called a kayak, and it moves with the help of a double bladder paddle. The person or a boat driver maneuvers through waterways with a face looking at the forward direction and propelling ahead with alternating side to side paddle strokes. On a small, narrow watercraft with one or two cockpits equipped with a covered deck, you are propelled through the water once you climb into the kayak. This water activity allows the paddler to sit in the cockpit and then kayak through the waters.

You might not get permission for bungee jumping in Goa if your age is below 10-12 years (approx.). There are 1-2 bungee jumping spots in Goa where minors younger than 18 need to submit the no-objection certificate their parents have to make the jump. However, rules for minors may vary from operator to jumping spots.

How is Kayaking Different from Canoeing?

Although both are waterborne vessels but still distinct in character. The boat, the gear, everything is distinct when it comes to differentiating between kayaking and canoeing. Kayaks are closed decks while the canoe are open top.

Kayak paddles have a blade on both the ends. While the canoe paddles consist of one blade only! Also, the canoes are easy to use but a bit slower and difficult to control when water gets rough.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Enjoy Kayaking in South Goa?

Kayaking is for everyone, but what does it mean? Does it mean that an infant can kayak? No! Even if this is for everyone, there is still an age bar to personify your penchant for kayaking in South Goa. The minimum age limit for kayaking in South Goa is 12 years (approx.) while the maximum is 50 years (approx.). If you have kids below 12 years of age, chances are high that the organizers of the kayaking trips would not allow the kids to enter into the vessel. Even those who are above 12 years must come with their parents consent with proper valid identification proofs.

What is The Maximum Weight Limit to Ride A Kayak in South Goa?

Whether its South Goa or North Goa beaches, rivers, or backwaters, the minimum weight limit to ride a kayak in South Goa is 100 kg. Those who are above 100 kg weight are strictly prohibited by the instructor to paddle through the waters.

Can Non-Swimmers Kayak in South Goa?

Yes! The best thing about kayaking in South Goa or North Goa is you just need a boat and the place where it can float. So even if you are a newbie, you can kayak in South Goa without any hindrance. Those who are not the novice ones will accompany the instructor to make you paddle through the water. Plus, rest assured that you will be covered with life-saving jackets of international standards. You will be indulging in kayaking under the supervision of the lifeguards who will keep monitoring you until you won’t stop your adventure.

What to Expect On A South Goa Kayaking Trip?

Kayaking through the dense forests feels like an intrepid voyage where surprises await you at every turn.

Lots of fun-frolic moments amidst the tranquil waters, gorgeous scenery is guaranteed to spellbind you! Kayaking is usually conducted in groups of upto 4-6 (approx.) people.

You will be gliding through the coastal waterways, passing fishing villages, and unlocking a legit locals way of life. The duration of a kayaking excursion in Goa depends upon the operator.

Although, the minimum and maximum hours of kayaking excursion hover from 70 minutes to 120 minutes. How long you would go will be calculated by the tide times. The average travel distance on a kayak is supposed to be 5-7 kilometers (approx.). You will be protected with high buoyancy kayaks and an international standard life vest ticking all the notch-level safety norms.

What Equipment Are Needed to Kayak in South Goa?

Paddlers must know about the essential kayaking kit to enjoy this waterport. It is not a brainer that the kayaking equipment won’t be purchased from the supermarket. Even if you purchase from the certified shops, it would be of no use because chances are less that you would again kayak until your next trip to South Goa.

So, the best option is to rent kayak equipment in South Goa which forms the crucial part of the kayaking package cost and is all-inclusive in the package. Let’s take a dig at the equipment you would be provided and needed to kayak in South Goa:

Kayak: Without the narrow watercraft, you will feel like swimming with a stick. Therefore, a kayak is the prime thing in which you will sail and glide through the waters.

Double-Bladed Paddle: It is the vital tool for pushing you through the water without much effort. One wouldn’t go on water without the double bladder paddle.

Helmet: Your head stores the most crucial organ there, which is the brain. And it is not a brainer why you must pay special attention to protecting it. Flaunt your helmet by wearing it, no matter if you are an expert or a newbie kayak lover. In the backwaters or river trips, overhanging branches can trouble you and hit your head if you don’t have a helmet on.

Life Jacket: This is the most logical step to keep you afloat, isn’t it?

Water-Resistant Clothes: Water-resistant clothes naturally withstand more water than usual cotton or nylon clothes. So wear water-resistant clothes to remain dry and comfortable.

Waterproof Bag:Keep your stuff dry by stocking your extra pair of clothes and small electronics with the aid of a waterproof bag!

How Important It is to Hire An Instructor for Kayaking Excursion in South Goa?

Hiring an instructor for a kayaking excursion in South Goa might not be important if you are a novice kayak expert. But it is not a brainer that nothing is better than learning from the passionate experts about paddle through the waters. If you are a newbie. Coming to the point, whether you are a newbie or a novice person, hiring an instructor or guide for kayaking through the waters will reward you with extensive knowledge of flora and fauna in and around the coasts, rivers, and backwaters.

Top Places to Go Kayaking in South Goa

Signup for the kayaking in South Goa at these top places, right from beaches to rivers:

Cola Beach:This beach is a travel-style magazine beach known for its sweet water lagoon. Kayaking at the Cola Beach in South Goa. Ride the kayak to watch the coconut trees flanked on both sides.

Cavelossim Beach: Kayak amidst the most hypnotic shoreline of Cavelossim Beach. This beach is cushioned by the long white sand coastline, and palm-fringed trees are scattered all around it.

Mobor Beach:Witness the jaw-dropping views of the Arabian Sea on a kayaking excursion at Mobor Beach and get engulfed with the charismatic beauty of nature. 

Palolem Beach: Kayak amidst the unspoiled stretch of the sandy shoreline at Palolem Beach. You will see like-minded Russians and Israelis enjoying this watersport too!

Sal Backwaters:Unlock the mangroves magic and see the side of Goa you thought never existed. Cherish the kayaking experience in the Sal Backwaters to marvel at the vibrant and bio-diverse ecosystem comprising the rarest of rare birds.

Tips to Stay Safe On Kayaking in South Goa

  • Know the weather condition in advance and avoid kayaking in monsoon or high tides
  • Keep a check on offshore winds
  • Stock sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses in your waterproof bag
  • Follow the instruction given by the instructor
  • Wearing a kayak specific life jacket is very important
  • Don’t flaunt yourself by doing anything risky on the kayak
  • Skip alcohol consumption before the paddling activity
  • Learn basic kayak basic safety skills
  • Acknowledge your online confirmation you will receive within 48 hours of booking
  • Pregnant women are not allowed and should refrain from riding the kayak

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