Holy Places in Kawardha

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Owing to the history of the city that dates back several centuries, Kawardha has become one of the chief centers for leisure trips in India and more so in Chhattisgarh. The place is marked by a number of Holy Places that attribute much to this far stretched history of Kawardha.

One of the chief Holy Places in Kawardha is the Radha Krishna Temple. The other temples that can be visited during your stay include Bhoremdeo Mandwa Mahal and the Madan Manjari Mahal. These Holy Places in Kawardha, India belong to the 11th century A.D. The exquisite carvings on stone depict various Hindu deities that leave the tourists dumbfounded.

The origin of these Holy Places in Kawardha, India can be to the 11th century A.D. These Religious Places in Kawardha primarily consist of temples. Among these Temples in Kawardha, the one that needs a special mention is the Radha Krishna Temple that is said to have been built some 180 years ago by one of the forefathers of Raja Ujiyar Singh.

All these structures are slated among the chief Tourist Attractions in Kawardha.

One of the chief features of these Holy Places of Kawardha is the underground rooms in which the religious ceremonies and rituals of the olden days were performed by the Saints (known as Sadhu in Hindi).

In order to witness a few of these Holy Places in Kawardha, you can avail flights or trains from the cities of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Bhubaneswar, which would take you to the airport and the railway station of Raipur which is the capital of the State of Chhattisgarh situated at a distance of about 140 kilometers from Kawardha. Moreover, Kawardha is well served by regular bus service from Bilaspur, which is 124 kilometers away from the city.

Thus, with all such transport facilities, a visit to the Radha Krishna Temple, Kawardha would certainly make your visit to the city of Kawardha a memorable one.

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